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What is a Collaborative Divorce?

For many people, the process of going through a divorce is one of the most difficult times in life, 尤其是当离婚的夫妻遇到孩子监护权的纠纷时, division of assets, and other terms of the separation. Divorce, dividing property, deciding what is best for children, 而其他家庭法问题则是充满情感的话题,对每个参与其中的人来说都是改变生活的话题.  Fortunately, 通过合作离婚的过程,可以避免分居的大部分压力和戏剧性.

Collaborative divorce can make the process easier for everyone involved, 咨询一位有经验的家庭法律律师可以帮助你确定这是否适合你.

How a Collaborative Divorce Works

在印第安纳州,合作离婚指的是双方共同离婚 divorce attorneys 并定期会面,就分离本身的各个方面达成协议. Ultimately, 共同离婚的目的是消除分歧,避免在这些问题上闹上法庭. As a result, the entire process can be expedited, 双方都能尽快向前推进.

In a collaborative divorce, 双方同意以尊重的方式解决所有问题, open and honest manner, 并专注于在法院系统之外建设性地解决问题. 夫妻双方的律师都接受过合作过程的培训, 确保他们的客户了解他们的法律权利和义务, and work to seek a satisfactory resolution for all.

双方签署一份具有法律约束力的协议,承诺根据合作原则和指导方针解决问题,以达成一项协议 divorce settlement.  Consequently, the collaborative attorneys 如果诉讼过程破裂,可能无法代表他们的客户. 你和你即将成为前任的配偶都需要找新的律师来代表你们.


During the collaborative divorce process, both parties, their lawyers, 任何专业人士都会完成一系列的谈判会议,在这些会议中,夫妇们会在他们的律师的指导下完成整个过程, non-adversarial way.  Other professionals, such as child custody specialists, accountants, appraisers, 企业估值专家可能会参与进来,帮助创建最佳的资产配置, support agreement, or parenting plan possible without litigation.

Throughout the process, the focus is on legitimate issues, 需求和兴趣的结合,直到全面, individualized agreement is reached. 合作律师然后准备必要的文件, 所有的东西都要提交给法官批准并进入判决.

Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce

共同离婚有很多好处, 因为它往往是一个更快、更顺畅的过程,没有诉讼和纠纷. 共同离婚也可能比“典型的”离婚要便宜。 divorce,因为双方意见更一致,可能需要出庭的次数更少.

共同离婚在非经济方面也有好处. It is much easier on both parties emotionally, 因为他们不是在互相争斗,而是在一起工作, 对于任何共同的孩子或家庭成员来说,压力都较小. 而不是让法官决定离婚问题的最终解决方案,如配偶支持/赡养费, child custody, child support, visitation, parenting time, and property division, 双方及其律师达成了一项对各方都有利的协议.

这个过程可以让你协商出一份公平的分居协议,对你和你即将成为前任的配偶都有效. Collaborative divorce 也节省了大量的时间和精力,当它涉及到参加法庭听证会和辩论. 最终,双方都是达成协议离婚的赢家.

Is Collaborative Divorce Right for You?

合作离婚的最佳人选是那些希望与离婚的配偶保持文明,并达成一个对双方都有利的解决方案的人. 然而,在某些情况下,合作离婚是行不通的.  These include:

  • When spouses are too angry to work together, want to see their spouse suffer, or cannot be open and truthful
  • 当案件涉及极端家庭暴力或精神疾病时
  • 当一方顽固,不愿意在某一问题上“让步”时
  • When either or both lawyers fail to understand, be trained in, 并且要遵守共同离婚的原则.

Overall, 合作离婚总是比“传统的”和对抗性的离婚更可取. 虽然不是在所有情况下都可行,但至少值得考虑一下. 如果双方都愿意在重大问题上进行谈判和妥协, there is a good chance it will work out.

确定合作离婚是否适合你的最好方法是和你即将成为前任的配偶谈谈这种可能性. 如果他或她对这个想法持开放态度,那么至少值得一试.

Consult With Our Divorce Attorneys Today

合作离婚是否适合你, if you are considering divorce, 咨询离婚律师可以帮助你做出最好的决定. The skilled and compassionate Indiana divorce attorneys at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law 能帮助你从一开始就采取适当的步骤,为你和你的孩子带来最好的结果吗. We can make sure everything is done properly, protect your assets, and help you through this difficult period.

Do not delay. 为任何离婚案件提供专业的律师bet9九州体育登录, call us today for a consultation.

GET HELP NOW 812-725-8226

Based in New Albany, Indiana, we proudly serve communities throughout Kentuckiana; Floyd County, IN; and Clark County, IN.

Attorney Steve Langdon

Attorney Steve LangdonLicensed to practice in both Indiana and Kentucky, 史蒂夫·兰登是一位经验丰富的老年律师和出庭辩护律师. In addition to his litigation and trial work, Steve’s practice includes wills, trusts, probate, Medicaid planning, guardianship, powers of attorney, and advanced directive planning, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ Attorney Bio ]